TfL Consultation: Bricklayers Arms Roundabout – Subway Closure
Bricklayers Arms Roundabout – Subway Closure
Transport for London (TfL) is proposing to make changes to the roundabout to improve personal safety for people crossing the junction.
In June 2012 a pedestrian survey of the footway and subway system was carried out. The survey showed that between 50-70 crossing movements are made through each of the subway bores between 7am-7pm, with the majority of people preferring to use the crossings at ground level. A key factor in this is the design of the central island and subway network, which attracts crime and anti-social behaviour
The main scope of the work being proposed is to block up the subways and improve the crossings at street level. Further detail is outlined below and on the attached plan:
Decommissioning and infilling of the subway bores, ramps and stairs;
Re-paving of the perimeter footways.
Providing a new street level crossing facility to increase accessibility to the northeast corner (Tower Bridge Road) of the roundabout.
Removal of the concrete wall which surrounds the roundabout.
Improved street lighting.
Retention of mature trees and new tree planting.
The subway closure works are programmed to commence from mid-February.
If you have any questions or comments about these proposals please contact us by 8 February 2013.