Balls Pond Road Cycle Superhighway 1
Hackney council says:
Hackney Council is working with Islington
Council and Transport for London (TfL) to make
improvements to the Cycle Superhighway Route
1 (CS1) on Balls Pond Road.
In February 2015 TfL in partnership with
Hackney Council consulted on the CS1 route
which included two options for Balls Pond Road:
an option for advisory cycle lanes on each
side of the road and an option for a two-way
segregated cycle track. A positive response to
the consultation was received showing overall
support for the segregated two-way cycle track
along Balls Pond Road.
In autumn 2015 a second consultation was
held by TfL in partnership with Hackney Council
on a motor traffic reduction scheme in the De
Beauvoir area to assist users of the CS1 route.
We are now seeking your views on measures
required to implement the segregated two-way
cycle track along Balls Pond Road between the
junctions of Culford Road and Kingsbury Road.
These measures would complete the route, safely
connecting the two halves of the CS1.