Quietway 5 - Pathfield Road Scheme

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Added by Simon Still

Quietway 5 is a cycle route linking Waterloo to Norbury that passes through Lambeth North, Vauxhall and Clapham. Following the delivery of the one way closure on Estreham Road we are working on a scheme to address the issues in Pathfield Road.

The Options Considered

The top three solutions mentioned at the event that have been assessed were;

Relocating or removing the existing point closure in Estreham Road
A residents parking scheme
Introduction of traffic restrictions to reduce traffic volumes
Relocating the existing barrier on Estreham Road was considered, however, this would simply redistribute the traffic on to more local roads and not necessarily address the issue of rat-running traffic, speeding and increased parking on Pathfield Road. Also, the scheme to retain the point closure at Estreham Road received majority support from the wider community after the trial period in 2016.

Options around parking controls in the area are being coordinated by the CPZ team. They are analysing the feedback from the Streatham parking attitudinal survey carried out at beginning of 2018 and will be providing feedback in the coming months.

Given the above, the council's view is that the introduction of traffic restrictions to reduce the amount of traffic on Pathfield Road is the best option to address the issues raised at the meeting. We are also proposing speed humps to reduce general traffic speeds. The main proposals are detailed in the plan below.

The Proposals

You can view the proposals at the link below. The main changes proposed are;

No-entry except cycles from Estreham Road to Pathfield Road, to prevent the majority of rat-running traffic from using Pathfield Road
New sinusoidal humps installed along Pathfield Road to reduce general traffic speeds.
No-entry except cycles from Greyhound Lane to Rotherhill Avenue, to prevent any rat running traffic that might use this route
Junction improvements, with new greening/tree planting at Pathfield Road/Estreham Road. This proposal will require the loss of 1 informal parking space.


November 4th, 2018 23:45


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